Open The Pixelated Doors, HAL

Open The Pixelated Doors, HAL

I’m scared. If that computer can run seven copies of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, who knows what else it could be capable of. If they put in another terabyte of memory, it might become sentient. The last thing humanity needs right now is a sentient super-computer, loaded down with seven copies of World of Warcraft. That’s enough Warcraft to wipe out the Eastern Seaboard.

On a more practical note, I’m not sure that any nerd should have that much power. First of all, they don’t need it. Give them enough RAM to get by; there’s no reason for them to get too fancy. You don’t need a computer that can run League of Legends at 400 frames per second on a 4k monitor, and you most certainly don’t need a computer that can accommodate seven players at once. Most nerds haven’t made human contact with seven people in their lifetime, so suggesting that they all might get together to play Baldur’s Gate is an absurd notion.

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