I Find Your Lack Of Sail — Refreshing

I Find Your Lack Of Sail — Refreshing

I don’t trust anyone who says they like snow. It’s nothing personal, I just think that they’re defective human beings. Anyone with an affinity for something that will cause your smaller extremities to turn purple and fall off after prolonged exposure should be committed. Don’t get me wrong, I like watching movies with snow in them, and videos where snow is peppering the backdrop. I simply don’t like being within 500 miles of anywhere that’s had snowfall in the past century, which is an immense problem when you live in northern New England.

Someday I’ll move somewhere with less snow, but I’m snowed in right now, so I can’t move very far past my front door. This might be affecting my opinion slightly.

3 thoughts on “I Find Your Lack Of Sail — Refreshing

  1. texas is nice…snow is one of the motivations to move here….don’t get me wrong it still tries from time to time it just doesn’t last long.

  2. Hello Leon, thanks for reading and commenting.

    I’ve never been to Texas, but then again I don’t think I’ve even been below the 45th parallel. I’ve the liberty of using the video you submitted for today’s post.

    Thanks again for commenting and submitting videos.

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