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Category: winter

Ice Kart Racing Is the New Hotness

Ice Kart Racing Is the New Hotness

Why isn’t this “a thing”? If it is a thing, I didn’t know it’s a thing. If it is a thing already, I apologize for not knowing it’s a thing. If it’s not a thing, I demand that it become a thing, pronto.

Honestly, axe throwing is a thing. Escape rooms are a thing. Talking on social media about pizza or tacos like they were caviar and Dom is a thing. They’re not nearly as cool, if you will, as ice kart racing. Of course the video is from Russia, where they have ice on July 4th at noon. But gentlemen, we cannot afford an ice kart gap!

(Thanks to longtime friend of the BSBFB, Charles Schneider, for sending that one along)

Never Give Up, Never Surrender

Never Give Up, Never Surrender

I like this guy, he really seems like he knows what he’s talking about. I doubt he does know what he’s talking about. Few people do. But if you’re going to be wrong, be wrong at the top of your voice. Having confidence is like having good manners. If you don’t have good manners, pretend that you do. It ends up being the same thing. Fake confidence works about the same as real confidence, too.

In any case, his message rings true: nivagivup! It’s important to remember that no matter how bad things seem, they could always be worse. You could, for instance, be waist deep in frigid water yelling encouragement to no one in particular.

Never Mind The Skier. Who Grooms That Trail?

Never Mind The Skier. Who Grooms That Trail?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ski like crazy, double flip, land safely, camera on head, blah blah blah, yadda yadda. That’s all very well and good; but who’s building these snow ramps? He’s a genius.

Look at the ramps and slopes and whatnot. They’re perfect, like a wedding cake from Brobdingnag. Sculpted like some sort of Arctic Acropolis. If you gave that guy a Zamboni, he’d probably have a giant swan ice sculpture at center ice for the start of the third period. I say we strap a camera to the snow groomer’s plaid hat — you know, the one with the flaps — and watch him work his magic instead of the hipsters on the skis.
