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Category: hold my vodak and watch this

Lithuania’s Got Talent, And A Dumpster Full Of Dead Contestants

Lithuania’s Got Talent, And A Dumpster Full Of Dead Contestants

I’ve always been very suspicious of This Country’s Got Talent shows and all of their derivatives, because you almost never hear from the people who win after they get their prize. I’m pretty sure TV executives eat them to absorb their talent, but I’ve been wrong about this sort of thing before.

I’ve also been very suspicious because there’s no telling how many fatalities shows like this have each year. The versions hosted in Eastern European countries suggest a whole new level of concern, because that place is like a breeding ground for bad ideas. Every once in a while a grainy Live Leak video of someone chopping their testes off with a flaming carp surfaces, but those are getting few and far between. Either every wannabe Russki has given up vodka and heroin, or these videos are being suppressed, and we all know that the only way to get yourself out of bed every morning in Eastern Europe is to drink yourself into a stupor before breakfast. There’s also the off chance that the videos have gotten so graphic that they’re being sold in snuff film compilations à la Faces of Death. Even if that was the case I’d still probably watch it, so you don’t have to.

Luckily, I’ve found one of the only Got Talent videos around that isn’t premiering on a fetish site, or covered in Live Leak watermarks. Although the video left me teetering precariously on the edge of my seat, the lack of death was strangely satisfying. Everything went better than expected. In the end, there wasn’t any loss of life — except for the wannabe Dr. Mengele, because there’s no way the human dartboard didn’t beat him to death after the cameras stopped rolling.

In Soviet Russia: Airplane Flies YOU

In Soviet Russia: Airplane Flies YOU

(Note: activate annotations for the most entertaining subtitles of any YouTube video)

Vodka fixes everything — this is a fact. I know it’s a fact, and I will continue to shout it into the abyss that is the Intertunnel until the day I get bored and stop. The only reason that plane was able to land safely was because of the obscene amount of vodka that fellow brought in his carry-on bags. Without vodka there is chaos, so he probably just averted an international catastrophe of epic proportions.

A Russian cannot function unless he has a couple drinks in him, so vodka man was doing his fellow countrymen a great service. Unfortunately, you can only get so drunk off a simple bottle of vodka, which is why I think that Russians will stop drinking vodka altogether. Having it injected intravenously is a much better option

Hey Fellas, Hold My Boдka And Watch This

Hey Fellas, Hold My Boдka And Watch This

Too much vodka and not enough crushing capitalism. If it was sixty years ago in the USSR they’d all be sent off to Siberia to mine coal out of the frozen tundra using a tin spoon.

If it was sixty years ago in America I’d be driving around in a Cadillac the size of Delaware. I’d be wearing a chrome suit, because Eisenhower is president and I’ll do whatever I damn well want. I’d be in love with a girl named Barbara, and we’d go out for milk shakes on the weekends. Afterwards, I’d drive my four-wheeled luxury cruise liner to a nice secluded spot and we’d listen to Miles Davis on the radio. After an hour or so she’ll ask me to take her home, because my girl isn’t into any funny business and that’s just the way I like it.

But if you wanted some free cabbages with your daily bread and all that free healthcare, yowza, did the Soviets have that covered.

In Soviet Russia, Magazine Loads YOU

In Soviet Russia, Magazine Loads YOU

[Video Warning: Some salty language and gratuitous usage of memes at around the two minute mark]

The Swiss must be furious.

After all the effort they’ve poured into their fancy little knife it gets blown away by a 70 year old piece of Soviet Engineering. Don’t get me wrong, if I’m ever in a situation where I need a miniature knife, screwdriver, and or file nothing beats a Swiss army knife. On the off chance I ever need to do something useful the Swiss army knife leaves much to be desired. This is where the AK mag really seems to shine. It is entirely capable of driving a nail, screwing a screw, and mercilessly striking down my enemies. The magazine also acts as a bottle opener so you can do all that while completely off your face. To be fair, the Swiss never stood a chance.

Soviets: 1
Capitalist Pigs: 0

[Many thanks to our friend of impeccable taste, Gerard at American Digest ]