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When Nerf Guns Aren’t Cutting It Anymore

When Nerf Guns Aren’t Cutting It Anymore

I know a lot of the videos that I post come with the warning “please don’t try this at home”. This is one of the few time when you’re supposed to try this at home. They encourage it. Even I think it would be a cool afternoon project for any young Blog for Boys reader. This is the sort of thing that can get you kicked out of school if you bring it in for show and tell, which makes it an ideal exactly our cup of tea. I might even make one or two if I can be bothered. Of course, I’ll probably get frustrated and buy a Nerf gun like a normal person, but I definitely get a gold star for effort.

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Shocking Study Finds Correlation Between Semi-Clothed Women And Fun

Shocking Study Finds Correlation Between Semi-Clothed Women And Fun

(Warning: some vaguely naughty language and salacious clothing choices. It’s shocking. I’m shocked. This is my shocked face)

There seems to be rather a big hubbub surrounding this video, and I find the whole matter to be shocking, disgusting, asinine, mind-bogglingly stupid, and completely at odds with everything the BSBFB stands for. I’m referring of course to this article; the video itself is pure gold and should be saved on magnetic data tapes and stored in bomb-proof bunkers to make sure it’s available for the enjoyment of future generations.

After reading the title of the article my heart sank into the pit of my stomach, and by the time I reached the second paragraph it dropped out of my backside and into the Earth’s mantle. I was under the impression that we lived in a country where women could show more than a little ankle without inciting the wrath of the dangerously bored and self-righteous. I hate to bring this up, but in the USA, women can vote, drive cars, marry whoever they want, own and carry weapons, and wear clothing that wasn’t chosen for them by their grandmother and a TV preacher.  I guess that’s a little too much for the Daily Mail to handle because they seem to think it’s all very sexist. I don’t know what the current political climate of the UK is like, but their newspapers seem to be a little loopy. I’d love to see things from their point of view, but I don’t think I can get my head that far up my heinie without using the jaws of life to get out afterwards.

Out of all the benign, fun, and good-natured things to pick on, going after people for assisting models during their shoot is sickening. Apparently, pornography is to blame for men liking women in bikinis. I hate to break it to them, but I don’t think men need any help developing an affinity for partially clad women. After all, partially clad women are the second-best thing in the world.

Annie, Get Your Gun

Annie, Get Your Gun

I’m not quite sure what you could do with something made from solid aluminum, but you can totally make it now. I mean, it would look pretty cool, I guess. A gun that doesn’t shoot sort of defeats the purpose. If you flip it around it can make for an alright club, but you’d be better off making a bat if you really want to bash some heads. At least it’s shiny.

I feel like a lot of the epic life hack videos on YouTube aren’t even trying to be helpful anymore. This one is cool and everything, but it doesn’t really apply to me, anyone I know, or anyone I have ever met, ever. At least he’s not telling me that I’m supposed to cut banana peels off with a laser instead of using my hands, or that it’s easier to open a soda can if you run it over with your car, or that you can suck Marmite out of a squirrel if you’re lost in the wilderness. Videos like that are silly and I refuse to submit to them. I know how to peel a banana. Don’t tell me how to peel a banana. I don’t care how monkeys do it; they throw their poo and eat bugs. I’m a man, I can peel my own bananas, thank you.

If epic nice life hacks for your life videos got any less helpful they’d become eHow videos, and the world doesn’t need more eHow videos.

Jackass: Pripyat Edition

Jackass: Pripyat Edition

Remember kids, don’t try this at home — or do. If you have a bulletproof helmet that needs testing, then go for it. I won’t stop you. I’m not your real dad.

This ain’t Sesame Street; we’re adults here. If you want to shoot your friend in the head, that’s your business. Just make sure that your friend doesn’t mind being shot in the face and you should be fine. It’s especially helpful if he doesn’t die immediately after being shot in the head, because that would make it slightly illegal in some places. I don’t know what the laws are like in Russia, so he might get a pass, but if you’re in the US of A be very careful when shooting your friends in the face.

I won’t tell you what to do, but I do advise taking some cautionary measures. Make sure that the bulletproof helmet is actually bulletproof before testing it on yourself. While that might take some of the fun out of the testing process, it will significantly improve your chance of living long enough to see your helmet go into production. Also, make sure that your friend knows what he’s shooting at. If you’re testing a helmet one day and body armor the next, make sure you get everything straightened out beforehand. Nothing ruins a bulletproof helmet test like being shot in the stomach.