The Evolution of Football Helmets, According To The Time Masheen
Remember Idiocracy? It’s a great, incisive movie, and really funny. There’s a sequence in the movie where the characters take a sort-of Disney ride called the Time Masheen, and you get to see what a recitation of historical events would look like if lots of time passed to make things obscure, and only idiots were involved in the production. It’s hilarious to see them portray Charlie Chaplin as the head of the Nazis, being beaten by the UN, called the “un,” who un-nazied the world forever.
In this pleasant and interesting excuse for the ad at the end video about football helmets, the narrator mentioned that World War I paratroopers wore leather helmets. World War I. He didn’t mention if the troops mounted on tyrannosaurs wore them, too. Probably just an oversight.