It’s a Thermite Launcher

It’s a Thermite Launcher

That right there? That’s a thermite launcher. He’s made a thermite launcher. It launches thermite. That’s why they call it a thermite launcher. If it didn’t launch thermite, they might have called it something else. But it does. Launch thermite, I mean. That’s why they call it a thermite launcher.

Why would you build a thermite launcher, you might ask. Because you wanted to launch thermite. I can’t think of any other reason to build a thermite launcher. Anyway, wanting to launch thermite is a great reason to build a thermite launcher. That way you can launch thermite. You know, with the thermite launcher you built.

2 thoughts on “It’s a Thermite Launcher

  1. I prefer my thermite not get launched by a thermite launcher IF it can launch thermite.

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