Tomorrow, Loaves And Fishes

Tomorrow, Loaves And Fishes

Try it, it really works! I’ve also found I can fly by throwing myself at the ground, but deliberately missing. It’s tricky; you can’t try to deliberately miss — you have to deliberately miss by accident.

4 thoughts on “Tomorrow, Loaves And Fishes

  1. Insanity… I’m still not sure I believe that this isn’t camera trickery. But I do admit that it looks incredibly impressive, and makes you WANT to believe!

  2. This, if you dry it out, can serve vvery adequately as manure. Check out the classic “running on water” scene Remo Williams (1985) when Chiun (Joel Grey) does the same thing – water reflection just keeps the particle board from showing.

    Pure con – these guys are laughing their heads off at the rubes who are falling for their stunt.

  3. There’s a lizard in Costa Rica that does the same thing. I believe he uses MDF board just below the surface to fool you, but it gets waterlogged pretty quickly.

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