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Category: movies

No Evil Space Robots Were Harmed In The Making Of This Film

No Evil Space Robots Were Harmed In The Making Of This Film

I find it genuinely funny to think that the majority of the movies currently in theaters have little or no real-world content, as almost every sequence is generated using digital manipulation and satanic devil-magic ones and zeroes. No matter how many computers you use, they’re still just cartoons. It won’t be long until the programs look so realistic that everyone will be animated for the sake of convenience. Tom Cruise can only make so many action films before directors get tired of him hogging all the avocado smoothies, and absolutely ruining the bathroom every time he needs to take a turbo dump. At least you can generate his features from a safe distance, so animators won’t actually have to look him in the eye or talk to him the way someone would on set.

I’m not saying that any of this is a bad thing, but it’s important that we don’t let the appeal of having a massive Michael Bay-esque orgy of explosions draw attention away from the lackluster plot and acting. A movie should be judged on the merit of its terrible B-list actors, not the overwhelming amount of lens flares in each shot. Without their fancy effects their movie would be about twenty minutes long and consist of one closeup shot of the female protagonist’s — er — talent.

If the directors were smart they wouldn’t need any of the fancy explosions; they’d simply remake Italian Spiderman every year until the sun collapsed in on itself and engulfed our little corner of the universe in a glorious ball of cleansing fire.

The Quest For Poliziotto Superpiù

The Quest For Poliziotto Superpiù

I don’t know who or what Super Fuzz is, but he’s sorta my hero. It’s hard to look cool in the electric chair, but somehow, he manages it. I mean, c’mon, he even puts on his trucker cap like a boss . But who is he? I need to know what on Earth is happening, and I need to know now.

I went to the local library and asked them if they had anything on Super Fuzz, but they said that if I wasn’t going to buy anything I would be escorted out. Technically, the magazine rack at Walmart doesn’t count as a library, but I felt they were a little brusque. Frustrated, I went downtown to the hall of records. They told me they really don’t carry those sorts of records. They said the music was piped in from somewhere, they weren’t exactly sure how it worked, but an instrumental version of Lady in Red got played most days, which was nice.

The intertunnel, who always knows and always watches, says:

Super Fuzz or Poliziotto superpiù is an Italian comedy film about Dave Speed, a bumbling Miami police officer who gains super powers through accidental nuclear exposure.

That’s only a hint of a scintilla of a clue, really. I need to know where I can subscribe to his newsletter, buy his VHS tapes, and where to attend his TED talk.  I’ll keep hunting around and let you know what I find out. In the meantime, I’m going to go expose myself to nuclear radiation. I don’t know if deliberate nuclear exposure is as good as accidental nuclear exposure, but it’s worth a try. 

Keanu Reeves Really Can Shoot

Keanu Reeves Really Can Shoot

Keanu is making a nice living for himself shooting people in amusing ways with the whole John Wick thing. If it wasn’t for him, all we’d have is Liam Neeson shooting people in amusing ways. I never really got the impression that Liam could kick anyone’s arse from watching his grumpy old man goes on a rampage movies, of which there are many to choose from. But it appears that Keanu really can shoot a bit.

Next thing you know, they’ll be telling us that Cary Grant really did sleep with a lot of women.

The Movie With an Excess of Zeal

The Movie With an Excess of Zeal

Free Advice: Don’t try to win an Oscar for an adventure picture the same year that Lawrence of Arabia gets made. Don’t try to make any money, either.

So you get Marlon Brando to annoy Captain Bligh for you while he tries to decide what kind of accent a British person has. That’s supposed to put butts in the seats. But it didn’t. They made a real, live Bounty for the movie, and sailed it all over the Pacific, but even that didn’t help. Brando got a hot looking wife out of the deal, and bought an island or two, but everyone else took a saltwater bath on the deal.

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