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Category: fathers

Women Have A Lot Of Bad Ideas

Women Have A Lot Of Bad Ideas

I mean, seriously, have you seen what women wear? It’s like circus clothes mostly. And they’ll put anything on their feet. Have you ever tried one of those girlie cocktails they’re drinking in the bar? They taste like cough syrup and Fresca mixed together and strained through an underwear drawer sachet. Women even occasionally get the notion they’re qualified to put their cars into reverse while parking. Honestly, women get bad ideas all day long.

But no woman has ever had a worse idea than leaving a baby at home alone with its father. Evar. Nothing good can come of it. A baby can do pretty fair without adult supervision, it’s true. Dad never can.

Enough To Stop Us Be Men!

Enough To Stop Us Be Men!

As the famous philosopher Dirty Harry once said, A man’s got to know his limitations.

No, not this guy. He doesn’t have any limitations. You saw the video. He is the raison d’etre of the Borderline Sociopathic Blog for Boys. He is the ideal reader, and the subject matter.  No, I’m the one that has to acknowledge my limitations, and I do so freely right here and now: I can never compete with Google Translate for writing comedy. Need proof? Here’s the notes appended to the video, translated into interplanetary, extraordinary Anglish, baby:

Our business is to be men, our business work. We did not make a beautiful stay in fitting and waiting in lines. We do not stand at the stove with a spatula, we are not talking this jacket. We do not go to the shops for fun – we do not like to walk. We like to work. Work – this is our style. We’re doing big things big funds. No, we did not declare war on you, we just say enough. Enough to stop us be men! We have our own shopping. We do not buy and acquire. We are not looking, and choose. And we do not sell – because this man is priceless.

By the way; the discerning Borderline Boy reserves the chainsaw for the rutabagas. Cabbage only needs a machete.

(Thanks to Жерар at Американский дайджест for sending that one along)