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Author: Denton Fender

“Can You Guys Wait for Me? I’m Getting Tired”

“Can You Guys Wait for Me? I’m Getting Tired”

I didn’t know you could dress up like a flying squirrel to go skydiving. I guess it immerses you in the flying squirrel experience. That’s what I think.

I have an idea. Next time I play tether ball, I’m going to dress up as a cat. Those little rascals like to hit things that move. I believe the costume should make the game more fun. Let’s just hope a skydiver in a flying squirrel suit doesn’t land nearby. I might try to chase ’em.

George Lucas, You’ve Done it Again

George Lucas, You’ve Done it Again

Don’t get me wrong. I love this episode of Star Wars. One of the greatest in the saga. But there’s one tiny error that really irks me. You see, Jacques Skywalker, the man in blue, is known in the lore to be a Jedi master. Thus, he should be able to use the force to win this battle. However, he doesn’t, and that annoys me to no end. Did the writers forget he could use the force? Is his power suddenly drained or taken away or something? The world may never know.

This mystery haunts me and the entire Star Wars fan base to this day. A canonical explanation would shake the grounds of the community.

Metal Band That Plays Air Hoses – Nonmetal Band?

Metal Band That Plays Air Hoses – Nonmetal Band?

This got me thinking, “What is music?” Masterpieces such as this are called music, so is avant-garde noise. You could dress like a bunch of emo vampires and vent your ten years of frustration into the microphone, and that could be music, too. Is music art? If so, these things would fit right in.

Shout at strangers on the street, and you’re disturbing the peace. Do it on a stage, and you’re a musician.

Great for When You Squirt Ketchup Onto a Perfectly Flat Surface

Great for When You Squirt Ketchup Onto a Perfectly Flat Surface

Move over, sliced bread. Internal combustion engine? Pffffft. Child’s play. Moon landings? Baby steps. This invention, whatever it’s called, is undoubtedly the most brilliant device of the 21st century, and most likely several portions of the 22nd. If I could afford one, I’d use it all the time. I’d find reasons to squirt ketchup on counters. I’d devise strategies for mustarding flat surfaces everywhere. I’d make up more reasons to scoop up condiments than an iPhone user looking for apps to try to keep their phones amused. At home, in the car, at the office, you name it. I told all my friends about this magical device. They generally say to me, “Why not stop squirting condiments all over everything instead?”

I know, right? That’s crazy talk.