Happy Leif Erikson Day From Your Friends at the BSBFB

Happy Leif Erikson Day From Your Friends at the BSBFB

October 9th is Leif Erikson Day! I’ve been waiting all year for this one. I’ve been working on my parade float for months. It’s mostly covered with the skulls of my vanquished enemies. Don’t worry, I’ve also got big stew pots for boiling lambs and missionaries, and tubs of barley porridge for everyone!

Leif Erikson Day is the perfect day to go where you please, and amuse yourself in  any way you see fit when you get there. And by arriving 22 days early, you can plunder all the Halloween candy before all the nerds in Star Wars costumes get it. Hinga dinga durgen!

One thought on “Happy Leif Erikson Day From Your Friends at the BSBFB

  1. Norwegians, and Norwegian-‘Mericans, are a boon clan full of vinegar and fish. That’s a compliment, in case there’s any question.

    LE may’ve discovered America, but he was too busy surviving harsh winters on the open North Atlantic, to follow up with things like turkey or McDonalds or Target.

    And let’s keep Hinga out of this.

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