Let’s See. Wallet? Yes. Car Keys? Yup. Cellphone? Uh Huh. Parachute? Um, Parachute?

Let’s See. Wallet? Yes. Car Keys? Yup. Cellphone? Uh Huh. Parachute? Um, Parachute?

Now, where did I leave that thing?

There’s never enough “no” when you’re answering the question, “Will you jump out of a plane without a parachute?” Regular people jump out with two. So another guy jumps out of the plane with an extra one for you? I’d make sure I owed that guy with the spare parachute a lot of money, and cancel my life insurance. It’s the only way to be sure.

2 thoughts on “Let’s See. Wallet? Yes. Car Keys? Yup. Cellphone? Uh Huh. Parachute? Um, Parachute?

  1. The 80’s must’ve passed these guys right on by, ’cause I have no more need, desire, or ability to intentionally dump adrenaline into my system thank-you-very-much. I get my thrills on those Saturdays when I get to sleep past 7…YOLO, baby!

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