I’m fairly certain a 1971 Ford Maverick had something like this for an engine, only less reliable, and made from weaker materials than plastic. But then again, a used Maverick was less expensive than a LEGO Deathstar is, and you could actually get to second base in the back seat.

If you’re over the age of 16, and have a LEGO Deathstar, don’t bother Googling “getting to second base,” because you’re never going to.

5 thoughts on “LEGO V-8

  1. there was one of those mavericks that got passed about the family. it was finally killed by a piece of plastic in the shift linkage that broke and nobody had a replacement for.

  2. More truth than you know. My former wife and I had a Fort Pinto station wagon that needed repairs because one transmission gearwheel was made out of plastic and teeth kept breaking off.

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