Even When The Borderline Boy Gets A Little Older, He Is Not Afraid Of Gravity Even When The Borderline Boy Gets A Little Older, He Is Not Afraid Of Gravity December 3, 2009 aubuchon It’s sudden deceleration you have to look out for, anyway, not gravity.
Hi Sean- Thanks for reading and commenting. “Insane and Awesome” would make an excellent fallback name for this blog. I’ll send you a royalty check if we make the swap.
As the late great Spike Milligan said . . “It’s not falling off that’s dangerous. It’s hitting the ground . . . “ WONDERFUL clip . . .
3 thoughts on “Even When The Borderline Boy Gets A Little Older, He Is Not Afraid Of Gravity”
“Who once spent six months on a tightrope” — that man is both insane and awesome.
Hi Sean- Thanks for reading and commenting.
“Insane and Awesome” would make an excellent fallback name for this blog. I’ll send you a royalty check if we make the swap.
As the late great Spike Milligan said . . “It’s not falling off that’s dangerous. It’s hitting the ground . . . “
WONDERFUL clip . . .
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