He Would Have Gotten Away With It, Too, If It Weren’t For That Meddling Kid
Now listen: If you’re going to come in here mewling about going foetal and handing over your treasure and your self-respect in copious amounts immediately when someone pulls a gat, you’ve stumbled into the wrong shop, mister. This is the Borderline Sociopathic Blog For Boys.
That twelve-year-old boy foiled an armed robbery. We brook no ifs, ands, or buts when grade-schoolers foil armed robberies. We plan parades and fetes and generalized carrying on over feats like that. No back seat driving allowed.
And by the way, they caught this turd that stuck up the store. And oh, by the by, this happened in Turkey. I want you to imagine going into a TURKISH PRISON with a little note card hung around your neck that reads: Sent here by a twelve year old. Dante Alighieiri couldn’t have come up with anything better than that.