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Category: dashcam videos

Adventures In Cyrillic Senior Service

Adventures In Cyrillic Senior Service

In Russia they don’t slow down for much. It doesn’t matter if a tire has gone flat or they’re being shelled by howitzers, they absolutely refuse to stop. If the moon came crashing down onto the Earth I doubt they would even notice let alone care. Driving on a road in Moscow seems about as safe as Russian roulette with a shotgun. Trying to cross a six lane intersection without air support and someone laying down cover fire is downright absurd. Our friend on the motorcycle seems to be the only person to have noticed.

I’m absolutely positive that dedushka would not have made it to the other side. The only person keeping him from being turned into a pancake was motorcycle man. So we salute you anonymous motorcycle man, may your tires stay mended and your breakdowns be few.

[A massive thank you to the awe-inspiring Charles Schneider for gracing us with another video]

And On The Eighth Day, God Created Dashcams. And On A Really, Really Bad Saturday Night Not Long After That, He Got Hammered And Created Russians

And On The Eighth Day, God Created Dashcams. And On A Really, Really Bad Saturday Night Not Long After That, He Got Hammered And Created Russians

I’d say there was something in the water, but of course they don’t drink any of that. I’d chalk it up to all the Russian TV stations showing The Road Warrior on Saturday mornings instead of Sesame Street, but then we have to get into the whole nature vs. nurture thing, and that doesn’t explain the butcher knife the fellow keeps on the dashboard for emergencies. That’s more of a Cub Scout “be prepared” kind of thing. So we have to look at socialization into groups as well as in the home — a home I assume is on fire most of the time one way or the other.

Anyway, Russians are an enigma wrapped in a mystery and basted with vodak, with a dashcam pointed at them, no question; but we can learn so much from them about how to behave when, well, unusual circumstances rear their ugly heads. This video is no exception. So if a fight between Julia Child and Sam Spade breaks out in the future, I know how I’m going to bet.

I’ve Seen A Lot Of Russian Dashcam Videos

I’ve Seen A Lot Of Russian Dashcam Videos

Can’t get enough of them. They make “Reality TV” look like an oil painting. Every day, all day, the Russian roadways are Ben Hur and Mad Max rolled up in one. Or, more to the point, rolled over into one. But until I saw this one, I never realized why they all drive like blind drunken mental patients: Russians are indestructible.

Go ahead; try to break one. Other Russians, who are also indestructible, apparently, take their best shots with dump trucks and semi trailers and econoboxes alike. What chance would a normal human have against a Russian? None.