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Category: Crashing

I Must Go, My Planet Needs Me

I Must Go, My Planet Needs Me

He got like, three feet of air that time — and then exploded. Now that’s how you finish a race. Actually crossing the finish line is so dull and predictable. Everyone crosses the finish line at one point or another. Even if you lose you get to cross the finish line and that’s bogus. Every car that doesn’t come in first, second, or third should have to do some kind of spectacular stunt if they ever want to race again. Crashing and burning counts as a stunt, so that’s always an option.

I’m not that surprised he crashed, just look at what one lap in an F1 car looks like. I can barely keep my car on the road going 45, let alone 414 hectares per hour, or whatever fake version of miles they use.

(Many thanks to Charles Schneider for sending this one along)