They’re Legos. They’re Not Lego’s

They’re Legos. They’re Not Lego’s

Why is that every person on the internet doesn’t care about how anything is spelled, except LEGO. They sprinkle apostrophes around like a demented grammar version of Johnny Appleseed, they put the adverbs in the wrong place, every time, and they couldn’t tell the difference between to, too, and two if you held a gun to their head. But by gad, they know the grammar rules for mentioning LEGO. Except they don’t.

You can tell me all you want that it’s spelled LEGO, and there’s no such thing as a plural for LEGO. You remind me of my friends in high school who were convinced that you’d be arrested if you were pulled over while driving barefoot. They’d make up elaborate citations for this imaginary law. I have a friend who works at the state police barracks who told me it’s posted right on the wall next to the wanted posters. Stuff like that. I wonder how many fools who believed this were shot by cops during traffic stops because they were frantically reaching under their seats trying to find a shoe.

I don’t care what you’ve heard about how legos should be written. It’s wrong. English rules trump merchandising copy. The company is LEGO. Fine. Change it to Lego, because a Lego logo isn’t a law. Fine by me. One of their expensive little blocks is a lower case lego. Two of them are legos. That’s that. No apostrophes. No whining.

I’ve been to Manchester, New Hampshire, but I’ve never seen this wonderful Lego creation. But knowing something about how much legos cost, and what Manchester looks like, I can testify without fear of contradiction that those little Lego buildings are the most expensive real estate in the city.

One thought on “They’re Legos. They’re Not Lego’s

  1. Proof positive that one can make whole city’s and never no proper englisch.

    OK. I’m pulling your leg. O.

    In my day, the English teacher would criticize me for attributing personhood to the LEGO. Now, we are reduced to merely arguing contraction versus plurality.

    Next year, we won’t even own our LEGOS, so there’s always that. Then we can argue the possession of LEGOS, and the apostrophe gets another douching.

    This is fun.

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