I’m Escaping To The One Place That Hasn’t Been Corrupted By Capitalism — Space!
No, no, no, the background music is all wrong. You’re supposed to have O Fortuna playing in the background, or nothing at all. Jeesh, even the National Anthem of the USSR would have been acceptable. The organ really isn’t doing anything for me. There needs to be more shrieking and bellowing. Either that, or they need to go full 2001: A Space Odyssey. However, it’s recommended that you never go full 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Perhaps I should watch Interstellar before making any more judgements, but I’ve become acutely aware of bad background music. If you people don’t do something to fix the risings tides of bad background music, I’ll have to write a strongly-worded letter to my local government congressman. And believe me, you don’t want that to happen. The last time I wrote a strongly-worded letter the Soviet Bloc collapsed.