If It’s Not Scottish It’s Crap

If It’s Not Scottish It’s Crap

(Warning: they’re Scottish, so they could be saying almost anything and I probably wouldn’t notice)

“Steamy windys in heelys? Nyke shrug mum. So hodensay cheese toast in here?”

I don’t think it’s humanly possible to produce better ads than these. The first sentence says it all:

“Steamy windys in heelys?” 

Now why didn’t I think of that? This kind of genius doesn’t come very often. I hope companies in America start incorporating indecipherable babbling into their advertisements. I would be a lot more likely to buy a new Chevy if the narrator simply blew spit bubbles into the microphone and screamed at the top of his lungs instead of wasting his breath talking about torque or horsepower per second, or whatever.

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