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Category: fishing

Local Bird Is The Worst Fisherman Ever

Local Bird Is The Worst Fisherman Ever

I mean, come on, he didn’t bring any beer, and doesn’t have a battery-operated television set or a lawn chair or anything.

(Thanks to uber-friend of the BSBFB Charles Schneider for sending that one along)

Sometimes There’s A Man… I Won’t Say A Hero, ’cause, What’s A Hero? But Sometimes, There’s A Man. And I’m Talkin’ About This Invasive Carp Fighting Dude Here

Sometimes There’s A Man… I Won’t Say A Hero, ’cause, What’s A Hero? But Sometimes, There’s A Man. And I’m Talkin’ About This Invasive Carp Fighting Dude Here

Asian carp are an invasive species that look like they’ve entirely taken over the Illinois River. Nature abhors a vacuum, and the Peoria Carp Hunters abhor carp, and so do what comes naturally to the Honorary Borderline Boy: Something dopey.