Or You Could, You Know, Buy Some Nightcrawlers And A Fishing Pole
I’ve held my breath longer than that when I had to use a Porta-Potty at a construction site, but other than that, this guy takes the cake.
I’ve held my breath longer than that when I had to use a Porta-Potty at a construction site, but other than that, this guy takes the cake.
I mean, come on, he didn’t bring any beer, and doesn’t have a battery-operated television set or a lawn chair or anything.
(Thanks to uber-friend of the BSBFB Charles Schneider for sending that one along)
If he gets thirsty, Dos Equis mails him beer.
Asian carp are an invasive species that look like they’ve entirely taken over the Illinois River. Nature abhors a vacuum, and the Peoria Carp Hunters abhor carp, and so do what comes naturally to the Honorary Borderline Boy: Something dopey.