Gnawing On Nazis

Gnawing On Nazis

Nazis: the only unequivocally evil force that I’m allowed to make fun of without anyone getting all pissy. I can deride Nazis in any fashion that I like, for as long as I like, and no one will think any less of me. It’s wonderful because you don’t have to justify hating Nazis, you can simply hate them because they’re Nazis. Hating Nazis is so universally accepted that there’s an incalculable number of movies, video games, and TV shows dedicated to mercilessly taking the piss out of Nazis. Here are a couple notable examples:

Why justify hating Nazis when you can fight the rising tides of national socialism by watching Australian public access television, which seems to be light-years ahead of anything we have in the US.

I think I’ve illustrated my point — whatever that might be.

2 thoughts on “Gnawing On Nazis

  1. Public Access Television… What you see there is taxpayer’s money being shovelled into the wallets of [allegedly] creative types. I tried to watch Danger 5 but couldn’t make it past the second episode.
    At least Mitchell and Webb are talented and funny.

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