You Know What I’m Sick Of?

You Know What I’m Sick Of?


Honestly, enough with the walking dead. It’s been –er– done to death. And you can lay off the vampires, too. Sparkly, non-sparkly, it makes no nevermind to me. I’m garlic, you’re glue. Knock it off. It sucks more than blood. And prep-school wizardry nerds cast no spell on me. Dumblebore me no more. Grow up and read a book that doesn’t make your lips move the whole time.

But the hand grenade. The hand grenade makes up for everything.

(Thanks to Charles Schneider for sending that one along)

2 thoughts on “You Know What I’m Sick Of?

  1. and the parkour pedants who will be stating that somersaults aren’t parkour.

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