Just A Boy And His Dog. A Creepy, Mechanical Hound From A Dystopian Hell Kind Of Dog

Just A Boy And His Dog. A Creepy, Mechanical Hound From A Dystopian Hell Kind Of Dog

I don’t think anyone from DARPA ever goes to the movies.

On second thought, I had a more disturbing thought. Maybe they all go to the movies all the time, and make this stuff anyway.

4 thoughts on “Just A Boy And His Dog. A Creepy, Mechanical Hound From A Dystopian Hell Kind Of Dog

  1. Meh – a good pack horse or mule would be better, doesn’t need gasoline to work and can live off the land.

    Mechanical animals aren’t smart either.

  2. Yeah, doesn’t look quite ready for prime time yet. And what is it about that thing that shouts “Target Practice!!”?

  3. My dog, who is not the smartest dog, is nevertheless as keen a being as you could meet. I am aware, too, that the wild dogs in my area (I mean by that: coyotes and wolves) are smellers and hearers on an order far better yet.

    But, my dog has something this robot, the wolf, and the coyote don’t have. He has courage.

    I suppose the robot will have an application down the road, but will he roll in doo to cover his scent?

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