Yer Doin’ It Wrong
No, no, no. Invite three or four of your less talented friends to join your cover band so there will be someone to carry the heavy stuff out to the van while you chat up chicks after the show.
No, no, no. Invite three or four of your less talented friends to join your cover band so there will be someone to carry the heavy stuff out to the van while you chat up chicks after the show.
3 thoughts on “Yer Doin’ It Wrong”
I’m not buying it. There’s no way he’s not lip-syncing.
I like the colorized parts though.
Never seen that song covered before. Good idea.
It’s legit.
That’s Matt Mahaffey; and a very clever young feller he is. Funny, too, it turns out.
Here he is in a bit that could’ve been ripped from the an(n)als of Spinal Tap as he tries to convince the engineer that his song, ‘Hellglass’, ISN’T putrid.
Thanks for pointing him out to me, BSB; I’d never heard of him until now!
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